Some said that government benefits from smoking taxes but some said that by quitting smoking will give economic benefits for you and for the government. In my opinion,both research are true depending on the economic costs of smoking.
Diagram 4: Freedom of Smoking
First of all,the immediate benefits of quitting smoking to you is that you will have more cash in your pocket. In economic language, there is whooping $130 billion of real resource costs of smoking in The United States. That is to say this $130 billion is more burdensome to the US economy than collecting the taxes. It imposes a tax on the consumer, but provides offsetting revenues to the government.
According to a study, smoking related illnesses cost the US, $60 billion per year. It can only mean one thing- the waste of scarce medical resources. If we can eliminate smoking tomorrow, the resulting savings can partially offset our GDP deficits. If a smoker smokes more than one packet a day, he will spend an amount of $25000.
Other than that,the cost of shortened lives also have give an impact to the government. Smokers tend to be younger and retire sooner. This carries a price of $80 billion to the US economy due to lost output and lost wages. Also the absentee rate among smokers is very high.
Therefore, by quitting smoking it can give economic benefits to the government by reducing the losses of the wages,medical resources,cost of smoking and etc. Do you think the same?Why?
Wake up and smell the coffee!
16 years ago