Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Secondhand Smoke!

Do you know?Secondhand smoke causes premature death and disease in children and in adults who do not smoke. Children who exposed to secondhand smoke are at an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), acute respiratory infections, ear problems, and more severe asthma. Secondhand smoke immediately affects the heart and blood circulation in a harmful way. Over a longer time it also causes heart disease and lung cancer.

The scientific evidence shows that there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke.
Many millions of Americans, both children and adults, are still exposed to secondhand smoke in their homes and workplaces despite a great deal of progress in tobacco control.

In fact,secondhand tobacco smoke can get into hair and clothing.I myself experienced this where all of my clothes and hair smell cigarettes smoke becaused I lived in a house with a smoker.It is a big problem for me because I felt uncomfortable with the smell.

Therefore,what do you think can be done with secondhand smoke?


Ceasar said...

Basically when we are smoking that time we are going to kill ourselves. We know this thing but we don't want to give up this poison.Anyway if we don't care ourselves it's OK but we should care the kids and those person who is not smoker.Ayesha its nice topic for the whole world's smoker.Keep it up.

eason said...

Many of my friends are smokers. But i already used to it. I am done with it. So far, i did not feel any bad impact from secondhand smoke. But, i think secondhand smoke is not a big deal.

nella said...

People who are smoker just need to more care about people who are smoke or secondhand smoke because it really gives bad impact for them.
It is better if person who are smoker only can smoke in certain place and they cannot smoke in road or any place which open, they only can smoke in close place or called as smoking place, as I know certain country already practice this and it is give advantages for people who did not smoke and help to clear the air also.

Brad said...

Yes, that’s right. I know a close friend of mine who lost her mother recently due to her father’s smoking addiction. The sad part is, the mother had not even tried once and she suffered the disease of smoking “cancer” because of her husband’s smoking. What we can do? Good question!!! Just get rid of any body who smokes in our privacy not just because of the bad affects of smoking on our health, because of the characteristics of the fellow who smokes. I do believe that just the group of people who got mental problem or got depression start up the smoking. So getting rid of them may be the good solution to keep our mental health as well!!!

Ee Lynn said...

Smokers are not the only party that plays a role in taking care of the society. The second hand smokers should also take care of themselves if they do not want to get too exposed to unhealthy smoke. When there are people smoking, the second hand smokers have the rights to switch places or to move further for them smokes.
Not only are the cigarette smokes contaminating the atmosphere. It is also due to the factories and cars that release smokes as they go.
Therefore, second hand smokers can only help to REDUCE inhaling of smokes but not totally not inhale smokes.

anuar said...

Secondhand smoke is dangerous , Breathing in tobacco smoke causes health problems in all human beings, mainly because the human body is not designed to withstand the impact of breathing in toxins. All people are affected, even if they are healthy. But tobacco smoke is especially harmful to babies and young children, one reason being their immune systems are not fully developed. Also at risk is anyone with a weakened immune system such as the elderly, those with asthma or breathing difficulties, and those people recovering from surgery or illness.

How Can You Protect Yourself and Your Family?

This is what you can do to protect yourself and your family from secondhand smoke:

Don't smoke in your home.

Ask other people not to smoke in your home, especially baby-sitters or others who may care for your children.

Choose children’s day care centers, schools, restaurants and other places you spend time in that are smoke-free.

Ask smokers to go outside while they smoke.

Teach your children to stay away from secondhand smoke.

Help people who are trying to quit smoking.

Source From:

Anonymous said...

Those smoking should do so in the absence of non-smokers, and also, if your friend is smoking,you shouldn't be too close to him/her. Second hand smoking is a real threat, and i feel smokers to give more consideration to non-smokers.

cuialbert said...

I am sorry i am smoker,but when i smoking always outside for smoking becasue i know secondhand smoke is also a problem and not very good for health.

Srikanth said...

Second-hand smoke contains over 4000 chemicals and is a mix of mainstream smoke exhaled by smokers and side stream smoke emitted from the tips of burning cigarettes. Second-hand smoke is also known as passive smoke or Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS). Most public health authorities will use the term second-hand smoke as opposed to ETS because the latter infers a relationship between tobacco smoke and the environment in general resulting in confusion about its exact meaning.

Anonymous said...

Its true secondhand smoke is very bad for non smokers. To prevent non smokers from second hand smoke following measures should be taken, local, state, and federal authorities can enact public policies to protect people from secondhand smoke and protect children from tobacco-caused diseases and addiction. Because there are no safe levels of secondhand smoke, it is important that any such policies be as strong as possible, and that they do not prevent action at other levels of government.
Many US local and state governments, and even federal governments in some other countries, have decided that protecting the health of employees and others in public places is of the utmost importance. Many have passed clean indoor air laws in recent years. While the laws vary from place to place, they are becoming more common. Detailed information on smoking restrictions in each state is available from the American Lung Association at
I would agree with Eric’s statement that secondhand smoke is a threat and smokers should give more consideration to non-smokers and I would like to criticize Elynn comment that nonsmokers should move futher for smoker to smoke. Elynn its smoker who is putting non smoker’s life in danger, its not ethical for you expect that non smoker
Should give room to smoke.

Ma'ruf a.k.a Murphy said...

I was doing a little searching to see who may be the best proponant of an idea that I have. Given the trends in recent years by individual states to ban smoking in bars and restaurants I believe there is a viable alternative. I have seen this idea work in a jazz bar in Jakan Raja Chulan KL in 2005. I do not remember the name of the establishment but could find out if warranted.

This jazz bar boasted a smoke free environment and allowed smoking. The building was approx. 3000 sq. ft. They had six large ceiling smoke eating units, more than adequate ,that kept the air smoke free. Most of the patrons were smoking cigarettes and cigars. It was the only club in town my friend could go to without getting sick. He was allergic to smoke and never had a problem going there.

I believe this could be a viable alternative to banning smoking in restaurants and bars. It would create a win/win situation for everyone. If states required smoke eater systems adequate enough to clean the air it would make the patrons happy. The club owners would not have parking lots and sidewalks littered with cigarette butts. They would probably increase thier revenues too. The smoke eater companies would certainly be busier. And the state could include the smoke eaters in thier health inspections and perhaps a small tax.

This is a win/win situation for everyone. Has anyone in your industry considered approaching state legislatures with this kind of an option? Pennsylvania is considering banning smoking in bars and restaurants. I am an occassionaly cigar smoker and enjoy that when socializing with freinds or out on the town.

Nooraldaim said...

Secondhand smoke is also known as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) or passive smoke. It is a mixture of 2 forms of smoke that comes from burning tobacco:

sidestream smoke: smoke that comes from the end of a lighted cigarette, pipe, or cigar
mainstream smoke: smoke that is exhaled by a smoker
When non-smokers are exposed to secondhand smoke it is called involuntary smoking or passive smoking. Non-smokers who breathe in secondhand smoke take in nicotine and other toxic chemicals just like smokers do. The more secondhand smoke you are exposed to, the higher the level of these harmful chemicals in your body

For me some of my friends respect me and dont smoke near me which is a very good reputation of them. If i really got uncomfortable from a guy who came and smoked near to me i straight away tell him listen man you may have the right to smoke but i also have the right to inhale in clean air so please smoke far away from me.. Thanks


Ameet said...

Research shows children have an especially high risk of health problems because of exposure to second-hand smoke. This is because:

They breathe in more air relative to their body weight, which means they absorb more tobacco smoke
Their immune systems are less developed
They have less power and ability to complain about being around second-hand smoke
They are less able to leave smoky places themselves